Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How did Shingebiss get her name?

Lots of people ask us about the meaning of our boat name. When i was a child, my favorite story, found in a book called "Stories that Never Grow Old", was the story of Shingebiss. The short version is that Shingebiss was a little duck who lived in the north and refused to fly south for the winter. He fished through a hole he made in the ice. The North Wind tried to frighten him into leaving, but Shingebiss held his own and eventually the North Wind made peace with him. Since our home port is on the Mississippi River in Minnesota, and we bubble our boat in our slip most winters, we decided to name her after the brave little duck. A few years after we chose the name, another boater friend of ours (who just happened to complete the Loop a few years back) gave us a book called "Shingebiss, an Ojibway Legend" which turns out to be the same story told through the eyes of the Native American culture.

So that's how our boat Shingebiss got her name.


Shingebiss said...

this is a test

grumpy said...

Dear Liz & Steve,

Thanks for the e-mail & the info. I really like your blog. One question though. How is the cat?


Rich & Sue

Donna said...

I have that book too. It was my favorite story as a child and in fact, it's STILL my favorite story! I'm still standing up to the North Wind, although I have to admit I'm a little bit afraid sometimes.