Sunday, August 9, 2009

Boat Prep Continues

Less than 2 months until our departure date and we are ahead of schedule with our preparation. This is a picture of Shingebiss currently up on blocks at Twin City Marina I love this picture because the boat looks so big and regal out of the water. Jeff and his crew at Twin City do a great job, but Captain Steve does the bottom paint and hull buffing. The prop has been tuned up and we should be back in the water and home this week. We are just about max'd out on electronics with a few things left to install. My favorite "gadget" is the new electric anchor windlass that I got for Christmas last year ... isn't that just every woman's dream gift !! Evidently, we are from the "buy the recommended anchor weight and add 10 lbs " school of anchoring. Our new anchor is 45 lb. so should allow us to sleep well at night. Our plan is to spend the majority of our nights at anchor. We are very self contained with our generator, dinghy etc. When we get the boat back to our dock, we will begin loading our stuff and gear aboard and then, I think, this will really begin to feel real. We also have the details of leaving our home for a year to deal with, but those plans are coming together as well.

I've tried to figure out how the blog readers comment on the blog, but so far I've only figured out how those with a gmail account can do it. I would hope those without a gmail account can have a way to comment, so if anyone knows how to do that, please let me know, and i'll put the directions on the blog site.


French Quarters said...

Hi Liz- at the end of your post there is a comments bubble which I clicked on. It popped up a new window where you can type your message, enter the given security code, choose Google account or some other Open ID (not sure what those are) and then post it. You have to have a Google Account (to choose this option) which is free and doesn't require anything more than your email address and a password. Once you've written your comment, you can preview it before posting. I'm really excited for you two. I know you'll have a great time!

Brenda A said...

Liz, I was looking for a business card today, and came across yours that you gave me at Amber's baby shower. So, I logged on to your blog and bookmarked it. It will be fun to travel vicariously along with you - if you write in your blog, that is! I'm envious of your adventure - gone for an entire year! Wishing you great weather and safe travels. Brenda Apfelbacher

Michele H said...

Have you left yet. I hope you got in on some of this good weather. We Missed your party we were in Canada. Cant wait to here about your trip