Friday, October 16, 2009

Departing Burlington

Good News! Our rebuilt pump has been shipped and should be here tomorrow am, so we'll be departing Burlington as soon as Steve gets it installed. We've had our ups and downs during this delay, and had some fun too. I have to confess that it was a bit disconcerting to have this fairly major malfunction happen so soon, but there are lessons to be learned from adversity, and we're trying to learn ours !! The weather up here remains colder than normal and cloudy, but a warming trend is forcasted. Resuming our steady movement south ought to help too.

Burlington has been a dandy town to be stranded in, the people are very proud of their town and want us to get out and see everything it has to offer. We rode the bikes everywhere we could and rented a car for a day, and drove around the country side. Many of the towns date back to the 1800's and have historical homes that rival those on Summit Avenue (St. Paul) or London Road (Duluth).

Although it's been fun, we're very anxious to get moving again and hope you keep reading as we keep moving.

The night before this happened, which would be last Saturday night, we stayed in Muscatine at the Municiple Marina, very nice, and when it got dark, the bridge over the river began its nightly light show. The bridge is outfitted with thousands of ever changing, computer controlled colored LED lights. I took some pictures, but they don't do it justice, so here's a UTube link if you want to see a video of it. It's pretty cool.


kathy e said...

I am sorry that you have had some boat trouble and some cool/cloudy weather, but WOW how fabulous those first WARM/SUNNY days when you are motoring smoothly along will be. Now if someone ever asks if you know Burlington, IA, you can say you certainly do ! kathy e.

sheenap said...

Hello Liz, glad to hear that you and Steve are enjoying your adventure.